💁 Explore a curated collection of utilities, apps, and sites I find useful.
Tags: Web App Terminal Utils Git To-do Shell Font AI Code Editor | ❌ Reset⌨️ Typerun Typing Practice
Take a typing speed and accuracy test, practice typing lessons, learn to type faster.
Web🤖 Cursor Code with AI
Cursor is an AI-powered code editor designed to streamline and enhance your development workflow.
App AI Code EditorVictor monospaced font
I’m using this font to display code blocks on this website. It is available on Google Fonts.
FontThe Inter typeface family
Inter is a versatile, meticulously designed typeface perfect for various uses. Available on Google Fonts.
FontGit Tower Git client
Powerful Git client for Mac, making version control easier and more efficient.
App GitAtuin Magical shell history
I use Atuin every day, and it saves me a lot of time in the terminal.
Terminal UtilsStarship Configure you terminal
Take a few paces forward and you will observe how your terminal can transform into a more enlightening and efficient instrument.
TerminalYazi Terminal file manager
Replace my beloved ranger utility with this one. It’s really good.
Terminal UtilsEza replace ls
alias ee=’eza –icons -l -F –colour=always –git -h –no-user –git-repos-no-status -x’
Terminal UtilsThings by Cultured Code
Is one of the most minimalistic and visually stunning to-do list apps for Mac.
App To-doGitTown Boost your Git workflow
it’s a flexible framework for creating various version control workflows. Check out my article for a some use cases.
Terminal Utils Git